Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Going once...
Book Expo America, the big annual book industry conference, starts today in New York City. I won't be there this year, but one of my illustrations will be. I donated this painting of Henry Aaron hitting his record-breaking 715th home run to this year's ABC Children's Group at ABA Silent Auction--the most recent incarnation of the annual ABC event, now in its 17th year.
The silent auction takes place tomorrow night, Wednesday, May 25. There is some amazing artwork up for bid, by some of my favorite illustrators, like Matt Phelan, Mo Willems, John Rocco, Bryan Collier, Paul O. Zelinsky, Chris Van Dusen... the list goes on and on. You can see all the artwork here.
All proceeds from the auction benefit the new ABFFE Fund for Free Speech in Children's Books, which promotes understanding of the importance of free speech for children and young readers and provides support to the students, parents, teachers, librarians, and booksellers who fight the hundreds of challenges to children's books that occur in schools and libraries every year.
The auction is a ticketed event, but I've heard rumors of an online element later on. I'll keep you posted.
If you happen to be at BEA, stop by the Candlewick booth and check out my upcoming picture book, Over the River and Through the Wood (Fall, 2011). Thanks to Candlewick for posting this picture on facebook, so I can live vicariously through them as I sit here in my studio in Maine (middle shelf, far left).