Thursday, June 16, 2011

Book Giveaway! Zachary's Ball w/ Dustin Pedroia drawing

signed hardcover copy of Zachary's Ball with original pen illustration of Dustin Pedroia

During school visits, kids often ask me who my favorite baseball player is. When I was a kid, I always had a favorite baseball player. The first "favorite player" I can remember was Jim Rice. During the summer of 1987, when I was 11 years old, I switched from Jim Rice to Mike Greenwell. I still remember the thrill of opening a new pack of cards and finding a 1987 Topps Mike Greenwell rookie card.

Now that I'm a grownup, I don't really have a "favorite player" the way I did when I was a kid. Back then I watched Mike Greenwell and tried to copy everything he did on the field. I wanted to play left field for the Red Sox when I grew up, just like Mike Greenwell. Now that I'm 35 years old and it's pretty clear that I'm not going to make it to the big leagues (although I'm still a half-decent slow-pitch softball palyer), I really just root for whoever happens to be on the Red Sox each season. But if I had to pick one favorite player these days, it's Dustin Pedroia.

I remember watching him play at Hadlock Field in Portland back when he was a AA player for the Sea Dogs. It's always fun to root for players I knew as Sea Dogs when they make it to the big leagues. And it's fun to watch a player who goes all out every second he's on the field. Even when he struggles, you know he's trying as hard as he can.

When I tell kids that Dustin Pedroia is my favorite player, I usually hear a whole bunch of kids say, "Me too!" So for this month's book giveaway, I drew a picture of Dustin Pedroia inside a hardcover copy of Zachary's Ball.

For a chance to win this book, just leave a comment below.  Include your name and the answer to this question:

Who is and/or was your favorite baseball player?

You can just write the player's name, or share a whole story if you want. The winner will be chosen randomly, so don't feel like you have to have the best story. Looking forward to reading your answers! The contest runs until June 29 (it was originally June 30, but then I realized I'm going to be on an island on June 30, with no internet).



note: I'm hosting the book giveaway on my blog now, because apparently the way I was doing it before was against facebook's rules. Whoops.


  1. Red Sox fan here, we love Dusty! although, we still have a favorite in Jacoby Ellsbury because he is a crazy player that will steal 1st base!

    As a kid I didn't follow baseball as much, but I went to many a Durham Bull's game. Once the Famous Chicken came and his silliness made him my favorite mascot!

  2. Carl Yastrzemski has to be my favorite player of all time. When I was a kid I didn't get to many games, but we listened on the radio. Then, when I went to Northeastern University in Boston, I went to as many games as I could afford (bleachers were a lot cheaper then...I think I remember them being only $4). Anyway, I was there when he hit is 400th home run, and when he had his 3,000 hit. It was a great time for baseball...we would see the players at local pubs and restaurants on Newbury Street after the much fun!

  3. toss up between Yaz and Jim Rice - I STILL remember the picture of Jim Rice they put up in the late 80's at Fenway everytime he batted - he had kinda of a funny smirk on his face!

  4. I didn't watch or follow baseball as a kid, but when I married Art that all changed... I'm a confirmed Red Sox fan for 35+ years. It's always hard for me to choose a favorite, but David Ortiz would be my current choice if I HAD to make one... so talented and such a great demeanor/attitude... I just love him!

  5. Classy guy~Cal Ripken, Jr. He's even writing books now!

  6. My favorite baseball player would be Joseph Paul DiMaggio. He was one of the most skillful athletes ever!

  7. Red Sox fan here - lifer!
    I love all the guys on the team, but have a soft spot for Jason Varitek.

  8. Love, love, love Jacoby Ellsbury . . . well, just because!

  9. I just asked Taylor the question and his answer is "Wally! Wally the green monster!" Yes I know not an actually player but at least it's a red sox themed answer:)

  10. As a kid in Kansas City, my favorite player was George Brett.

  11. I can't tell you how much my nephews love this book! And, they love it even more when I say I know the author and illustrator.

  12. Red Sox fan here in the heart of Tennessee. I love Mikey Lowell. I really love all of the Sox (except Papelbon when he is on a crazy tear) players, but Mikey's grace through cancer and other injuries was a great inspiration when I was sick. I love Pedroia's dedication and heart, too. Little guy, big heart. My son moves to Boston in the fall and we are all jazzed about seeing some games!

  13. Thanks everyone for visiting my blog and entering the book giveaway! And the winner is... Chelsea! Congrats.

  14. Congratulations Chelsea!!
    Enjoy the book - I bought it when my son's were young (they are both almost twenty now) and I still love it!

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