Friday, February 3, 2012

Wenham Museum Exhibit Opens Today

An exhibit called Picture This: Ninety Years of Storybook Art opens today at The Wenham Museum in Wenham, Massachusetts, featuring original artwork by some of the true legends of children's literature, like Tasha Tudor and Leo Lionni, as well as thirteen original illustrations from my books, Zachary's Ball and The Gingerbread Pirates. It's such an honor to be part of this exhibit!

artwork from The Gingerbread Pirates, just before I packed it up to deliver it to the museum

Oddly, of all the illustrators featured in this exhibit, I am the only one who is still alive. I'm not sure if I should feel honored, or concerned... In any case, it certainly made it easy to schedule the book signing!

In conjunction with the exhibit, I will be signing books at the museum on Saturday, April 21 at 2:00 pm. The exhibit will be up from now until May 6. If you're anywhere near Wenham and you like children's books, don't miss it!

1 comment:

  1. Really really cool! Thanks for sharing this..and hope you have a great time at the event. Wow, what a fabulous exhibit..wish I were able to visit! girls and I love your Gingerbread Pirates book!
